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What is a
typical class like?

All classes are an hour or less depending on that day’s work. Most classes are split in sections and begin with a Coach led warm up and explanation of workout. If a skill isn’t being taught, you could have some strength work first and then lead in to what CrossFit calls the WOD or Metcon, which stands for metabolic conditioning. Each day will focus on different energy systems using constantly varied movements. 

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Childcare schedule 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8:30 A.M.

Tuesday and Thursday

4:00 P.M.

8:30 A.M.



Just call or show-up really. We always offer an introductory class at no charge so you can get a feel for the programs, our staff, facility, and our community. After that we will enroll you in our “Foundations” class. Foundations consists of three one on one sessions with a coach to teach you all the basic movements, how to scale your workout, and address any basic movement issues you may have.

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