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Nutrition 101

Updated: Jan 3, 2019

Welcome to FXT’s Nutrition Night! We want to start out by stating that none of us are Registered Dietitians, but we are here to share our experiences and provide some basic knowledge and advice that has proven positive results.

90 Day Nutrition Challenge
90 Day Nutrition Challenge

“Diet” Planning Principles:

  1. Adequacy - are you getting enough of the essential nutrients ( carbs, fats, protein, vitamins & minerals)?

  2. Balance - avoid overemphasis on just one nutrient

  3. Calorie Control - maintain healthy weight by eating enough to fuel your body for the activity level/ lifestyle you life (will look different for different people)

  4. Nutrient Density - are your foods whole/ good quality foods with essential nutrients?

  5. Moderation - avoid excess amounts of unwanted sugars, processed foods, etc.

  6. Variety - eat a wide selection - think color!

6 Key Components to a Healthy Lifestyle:

  1. Activity - Functional Fitness! ;)

  2. Variety

  3. Proportionality

  4. Moderation

  5. Personalization

  6. Gradual Improvement - consistency and patience!

What are “Healthy” Proteins”?
What are “Healthy” Proteins”?

What are “Healthy” Proteins”?

  1. Shrimp

  2. Fish

  3. Chicken

  4. Egg Whites* (good alternative if you need to lower fat intake)

  5. Tuna

  6. Greek Yogurt

Proteins are necessary for muscle growth and repair among many other benefits. Think palm size serving.

What are “Healthy” Carbs?

Carbs are broken down into different categories...complex and simple. Think Complex Carbs to be your starch and fiber: grains (wheat, rice, corn), veggies, fruits, legumes, cereals, plants. Goal is to have WHOLE grains rather than “enriched” or “refined”. They miss nutrients. Simple Carbs: Sugar - both naturally occurring (fruits, some veggies, and milk products) and added sugars ( syrup and table sugar). We want to AVOID too many added sugars. Carbs give you energy needed right then and there, but also stored for later.

  1. Vegetables

  2. Rice

  3. Potatoes

  4. Whole Grain Bread / Pasta

  5. Fruits

  6. Oats / Cereal

Fiber - very important in digestion. Make sure you’re getting enough each day (25-30g). Fibrous foods = greek yogurt, cereal, vegetables, etc.

What are “Healthy” Fats?

Fats are important, but like other nutrients, they need to be monitored. They contribute to about 60% of the energy the body needs to perform much of work. There are ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats. We want to avoid a lot of saturated or trans fats - foods with high amounts of trans fats include donuts, cookies, baked goods, biscuits, etc. They are solid at room temp. It’s not to say you can’t have these foods, just be mindful! Healthier choices include...

  1. Olive Oil

  2. Nuts

  3. Avocado

  4. Fish

What to Drink?

-Hydration is super important! Our body needs water to carry the nutrients to the places in the body they need to go! Esp when we sweat from exercise! Try to hit around “ideal” body weight in ounces per day...or about 6-8 (16.9oz) water bottles a day!

-Try to avoid sodas and juices / drinks with a high amount of added sugars! These will consume all of your calories too! Personally, I’d rather eat mine ;)

-If you do grab a quick drink - let’s say its a Vitamin Water - look at the serving size. Typically store bought drinks like those are 2 servings per bottle...aka you’re getting double the cals, sugars, etc. They are also “enriched” with vitamins you could get elsewhere….like your veggies!

Where to start / TIPS:

Take it one meal at a time. Start with Breakfast, then Lunch, then Dinner, and lastly snacks.

Try eating in most of the time rather that eating out. IF you do go out, have a game plan.

Have a lunchbox with pre thought out snacks for on the go or if you eat lunch at work.

Food Prep 1-2x per week. You can freeze meals if you prep one day, or prep two days and eat leftovers. If you don’t enjoy leftovers, that’s okay - have veggies and carbs pre chopped/cut to save time!

If you have a spouse or kiddos that eat differently, don’t let that be an excuse...PREP, PREP, PREP!

If buying pre-made meals (like Amy’s Kitchen, or Lean Cuisine) check out the sodium levels!!! Sodium will cause bloating and too much is risky. Daily goal is about 3,000mg, but if you look at a typical pre-made meal in the frozen section they can have up to 1,000mg per meal! Avoid adding salt to processed foods. Use other spices for flavoring if cooking :).

-Dressings/Condiments - check the serving size. 1-2T is typically enough :).

-ENJOY your food - but remember the impact your choices can have on health and energy.

-If you have a “bad” meal - IT’S OKAY! reset for the next meal, not the next day! And don’t beat yourself up!

Bonus Motivation/Things to Remember

“Eating well is a form of self-respect”

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’re going to have to do something you’ve never done”

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty” … Enjoy the journey and be PROUD of the baby steps that are going to get you to your GOAL!

“A GOAL without a PLAN is just a WISH”

FXT Nutrition Challenge Athlete Questionnaire

Circle one: PRE or POST Challenge Responses

On a scale 0-10 rate the listed below areas of your life.

Mood (10 being the best)

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Energy (10 being the most)

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Stress (0 being the best; 10 being the highest)

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Hunger (0 being the best, 10 being really hungry)

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Place a check next to the statement that best describes you.

Current Water Intake

____ I get ____oz per day

____ I don’t track, but think i’m getting enough

____ what water?!?!


___ I get less than 5 hours sleep each night

___ I get between 6-7 hours sleep each night

___ I crush sleeping and get 8+ hours each night

WOD SCORE ____________

(List any changes to weight or skill if adjusted)

Body Measurements ____ hips ____ waist _____ chest

Weight: ____________


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